
Sister City of HigashiOmi, Shiga

Relationship Details

Shiga Sister City: Higashiomi (originally Yokaichi)

Relationship Established: 1979 (and renewed in 2005)


Tourism Website:

Relationship Overview

Marquette signed their original sister city agreement with Yokaichi, Shiga, Japan in 1979. Following the 2005 merger with several nearby towns, Yokaichi was established as the City of Higashiomi. A new sister city agreement was signed in 2005 between Marquette and Higashiomi.

Marquette’s Sister City program began in 1978 with guidance from Rotary under the direction of Pryse Duerfeldt. Paulette Lindberg and Bill Brazier along with a Board of 15 members currently oversee the program.