
Sister City of Moriyama, Shiga

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Relationship Details

Shiga Sister City: Moriyama

Relationship Established: 1989



Relationship Overview

Sister City agreement signed in 1989 and continues with regular exchanges between Moriyama/Adrian.


School Exchanges

In 1993 the Lenawee Intermediate School District joined Moriyama in an agreement to begin yearly middle school (junior high school in Japan) exchanges:

  • Eight middle school students are selected from applicants who attend any Lenawee public school, private school, or who are home schooled.
  • Families of these students host the Moriyama students in the fall (usually Oct.-Nov.) and families of the Moriyama students host the Lenawee students in the following spring (usually June). Two teacher chaperones are are also selected to host corresponding Moriyama chaperones and to accompany the Lenawee group to Japan.
  • While in the U.S., the Moriyama delegation visits Adrian for four nights and Washington DC for two nights. While in Japan, the Lenawee delegation spends three nights in Moriyama with their host families, two nights in Hiroshima (where they visit the Peace Memorial Park and the island of Miyajima), and their final night in Nagoya.

For more information: