Statement by the Michigan-Shiga Sister State Board

On behalf of the Michigan Shiga Sister State Board (MSSSB), we strongly denounce and condemn any and all hate crimes and hateful acts against Asian Americans. The mission of our board is to promote increased respect and friendship between Michigan and Shiga, but this extends to all people. When forming the bonds of sister states, the people of Michigan and Shiga set to unite each other in everlasting bonds of friendship and promote mutual understanding of peoples of the world. As an organization who aims to uplift relationships, we are deeply saddened by the increased instances of hateful acts towards Asian Americans.

MSSSB has demonstrated, over the past fifty-two years, that the strength of our friendship will endure and will not be defined by individuals that do not represent the vast majority of Americans.

We stand in full support of the recent passage of House Resolution (HR 0061-21) and Senate Resolution (SR 0030-21) condemning such acts of violence.


Rebecca Stewart
President, MSSSB